Monday, July 26, 2010

For what I am working so hard - Is it Happiness?

Yes It's Happiness... So, where is this happiness? Good Job which pay me plenty of money or Happiness from family, friends, neighbor, girlfriend etc or having a good health Bla…. Bla…... These all are the things which previously come to mind and what I though happiness may reside. I am continually running around these things to make them upto date. I was mad to attain them on any mean and sometimes also hurt other due to my mind set as I though these are my first priority so, I never care about others feelings etc. But due to grace of lord (KRSNA), and blessing of Saints (reading and hearing to there true words (satsang)), now my mind is no longer much agitated by these worldly things. As now I know these things are always changing – either it is Wealth or Health or Relations etc. To finding where True happiness reside? First find out where it doesn’t, and then what has left behind is true location of True Happiness. Looks like confusing but it is one way which few people has tried… so give it one try ;)
Other, key is: - An Intelligent man makes relation with person who has much more intellect in comparison to him. You can also say that he will find his GURU very soon and start following his (GURU’s) instruction faithfully(there may be up & downs but vector result is in +ve side), then there occur miracle in his life which is slow or gradual according to level of person and how much effort he throws. After some time he and his friends can notice drastic changes and they say – U are changed…. But always remember "Vinay Krshndas" u still haven’t reached the true goal… so keep doing Heart refinement processes whatever we can name it SADHNA….



    Above is one related topic which is supportive so I have attached as it is... Here what I found good is “There is no path in the jungle – you have to make your own path!” -Yudhishtara

  2. Quotes from ""

    “Nearly all humankind is more or less unhappy, because nearly all do not know the true Self. Real happiness abides in Self-knowledge alone. All else is fleeting. To know one’s Self is to be blissful always.”
    ~Sri Ramana Maharshi, the sage of Arunachala
