Thursday, September 29, 2011

'Why we need testers?'

GB asked my new team 'Why we need testers?', my team mostly has freshers, so for them I put following points I had experienced while doing testing.

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I am putting random things what is coming to my mind for 'Why we need testers?':

Thinking: Developers mind set is to create a software and works on building the logic's (+ve thinking), whereas there is need for person whose goal is to break the logic's (-ve thinking).

Orientation: Person who developed software always tries to see things should work correct and always tries to test in a way that it should not fail i.e. clicking on links, images and try to wait for things to load and do next click, whereas tester won't care about these things they won't want to waste their valuable time i.e. waiting for pages to gets load and always love in doing multiple clicks on same links and buttons. Right Gaurav ?

Well known Fact: It is well know fact that testing your own code is tedious work, whereas finding mistakes of others is bit enjoyable.

Perspective: Its always suggested that a person having different approaches will help a lot in viewing project with different angle and identifying variety of issues. So it supports to have a tester!

Speed-Up project progress:
While dev is busy in writing the code, at the same time testers are busy in doing Static Testing, which in turn help in speeding up project delivery.

Cost-effective: Identifying issues in very early stage of project is more cost effective then finding it in later stage. So, tester are only skillful wizards which make it possible.

Advanced Technology:
As technology has advanced and there are lot of OS's (Win, MAC etc.), Browser's and their new versions releasing in market time to time, so exercising application on all these platforms needs specialist know as Tester (Developer wouldn't confirm you Quality).

Client or Customer Satisfaction:
Product without testing is not accepted by client easily and its always risky to release it without testing. Testing provide client satisfaction.

Coverage: Testers are experts to the system, means they know the overall functionality of the product where as developers are dedicated to the particular module.

I think I can add more and more to this list, but guys its a nice exercise, Kudos to Gaurav for starting this, please discuss among team and then
search net for more point.

I feel happy if you add more to list.

> Cheers for all tester who are doing such a great Job, which Developers are unable to perform.

Happy Testing,

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